Sunday 24 July 2016

Circular No 768

Newsletter for alumni of The Abbey School, Mt. St. Benedict, Trinidad and Tobago, W.I.
Caracas, 24 of July 2016 No. 768
Dear Friends,
The email from Kazim is the follow up to Circulars No. 762, 764 and 766 a discussion under the name The Mount as I see it.
This is the last of the series
Abasali <>
Apr 13 at 7:17 AM
Thank you, Jon, for sharing with us what you experienced first-hand in your time at the Abbey, MSB.
And thank you for sharing how you felt as the Boys do and somehow wish for some semblance of return
However, as you pointed out, those days are long gone and the Boys’ longing that is in their hearts should cherish the past memories.
Times are different now, as are circumstances.
And the Abbot, through no fault of his, did not share our past experiences of life at the Mount in our time.
So, be honest with him, we should understand from his point of view having no connection with our past.
And more importantly do not blame him.
Jon, I personally thank and appreciate you for sharing these thoughts about your time at the Mount.
It gives us a greater perspective.
I value your wisdom in thinking through the process from tender schooldays at Mount, to your volunteer time to assist the Abbot, and now. 
And last but not least, the training we acquired in school should be applied here.
To pray and pray for everyone involved past and present.
Personally, I cannot add anything to this sage advice.
And although, I too have always sought to pray that God's will be done, not my will, I have been here reminded by you that this is the divine path we should take.
Blessings to you, our Abbot, and all our Boys.
May we continue to work in love and unity for highest good for all concerned.
On Wed, Apr 13, 2016 at 11:18 AM,
Jon Golding <> wrote:
Thank you, Fr Harold,
For your appreciation of the big picture of the past which we are fortunate that you were part of.
It is great that you can be a link to that era which many/most of the later post-Dutch staff and students would not have any depth of understanding for.
Not their fault.
For us earlier-days old boys we have tended not to want to let go of the past and only blame the poor Abbot, including myself, my apologies to this forum!
Any new initiatives need a totally fresh and different 2016 outlook with close appreciation, respect and cooperation for the Church-appointed Head of the monastery, Fr Abbott, whoever he may be. 
Not what we old boys wish thru pure nostalgia, and in some cases ego and personal politics.
God is in charge so let's ask Him to lead the way and try to become aware of His response in prayer, as we were taught by our School and Church.
Amen, and let's continue our camaraderie in good Faith and giving.
Keep well.
Jon Golding <>
Apr 13 at 7:34 AM
Thank you, Kazim.
Much appreciated and let’s look to the future with the benefit of our past experience!
God bless
On 13 Apr 2016, at 02:15,
Father Harold Imamshah <> wrote:
Thank you, Jon, 
You have put into perspective and described a beautiful past and Abbey School legacy.  You have helped us understand the present Abbot's inability to appreciate a wonderful Institution which was in its last year when he joined in 1984;  the very same year I had brought the CXC O'level Art Class to complete its Form 4 level and found a Teacher who would replace me and bring the boys through Form V O'level Art after I left in July 1984.
I have an interest because I gave 5 years as a monk/Teacher and saw some fruits of having been there, so, yes, it's understandable that I can maintain some interest and the present Abbot can't.
I agree with you, let's move the blog into an appreciation of the years that all of you received and keep our eyes and ears open to what we can donate to, whether it's a building's upkeep or whatever might be needed currently.
If Joe can help start another Institution with a unique approach to Formation, it would still be a tribute to what you just described.
To Life, to the Future, and to the Past, 
Fr. Harold
Van Duin, Adelbert (Rt. Rev.) - O.S.B.
Lord Abbot, Mount St. Benedict
Old Abbot van Duin, from Holland, once the man in charge of Abbey at Mount St Benedict, had suffered with his heart.
When he retired he was succeeded by Abbot Hildebrandt, then Abbot Francis.
Anthony Milne <>,
Under the leadership of Abbot Adelbert Van Duin (1947-1972), the impulse of liturgical renewal had already begun at Mt. St. Benedict.
By November 1960, the altar already faced the people, (much to the discomfiture, I understand, of Archbishop Finbar Ryan who could do nothing about it since the Abbey was outside of his jurisdiction) and, with the help of Frs. Ildefons Schroots, Augustine Schreurs and Bernard Vlaar, the so called Dialogue Mass was in place, and the people were singing the Missa de Angelis.
Thus, when, in #11 of the Constitution on the Liturgy, Pastors of souls are told that: it is their duty also to ensure that the faithful take part fully aware of what they are doing, actively engaged in the rite, and enriched by its effects. such was already in effect at the Abbey, and continued during and after the Council.  deVerteuil Chairman of the Archdiocesan Liturgical Commission.]
2. The Seminary: The Benedictines were responsible for the Seminary at Mt. St. Benedict.  In order the better to equip those who taught at the Seminary, Fr. Augustine Schreurs was sent to St. John’s Collegeville, USA, in 1963, and in 1964 Fr. Hildebrand Greene was sent to the Benedictine University, San Anselmo in Rome to study Liturgy.
In this way the decision of the Council was fulfilled:
15. Professors who are appointed to teach liturgy in seminaries, religious houses of study, and theological faculties must be properly trained for their work in institutes which specialize in this subject.
16. The study of sacred liturgy is to be ranked among the compulsory and major courses in seminaries and religions houses of studies; in theological faculties it is to rank among the principal courses.
It is to be taught under its theological, historical, spiritual, pastoral, and juridical aspects.
Both these men absorbed the liturgical ferment centred around Fr Godfrey Diekmann, at Collegeville, and Fr. Augustine Mayer, at Sant Anselmo, and, upon their return, transmitted learning, insights and enthusiasm to both Seminary and the home Community.
3. The Vernacular: The Constitution on the Liturgy recognised that there could be a distinct advantage in praying in one’s own language: #36.
1. Particular law remaining in force, the use of the Latin language is to be preserved in the Latin rites.
2. But since the use of the mother tongue, whether in the Mass, the administration of the sacraments, or other parts of the liturgy, frequently may be of great advantage to the people, the limits of its employment may be extended.  At Mt. St. Benedict, the need to pray the Liturgy of the Hours in English arose primarily because fewer and fewer candidates for the monastic life had a sound formation in Latin.
When the Constitution, promulgated in December 1963, opened the possibility of praying in the vernacular, the Monks seized on the opportunity.
This coincided with the return from studies at the Ecole Biblique in Jerusalem of one of the Monks, Fr. Francis Friesen in 1965.
At once the Community was given copies of the 1953 Grail Translation of the Psalms, and those in formation were encouraged to have this English translation alongside their Latin breviaries.
Subsequently, through the untiring efforts of Fr. Augustine Sehreurs, an in-house edition of the Monastic Breviary in English appeared between 1967 and 1969, in a series of booklets for the Seasons of the Liturgical Year.
In 1970, the Abbey chose to adopt the Interim Roman Breviary in English, so that all who joined them in prayer – clergy, religious and laity – could pray with understanding.
Thus, from 1974 to the present, we have used the Roman Breviary in English.
The appearance, in 1969, of the Missal of Paul VI meant that, from then onwards, English was used in the celebration of the Eucharist.
4. Liturgy:  Fr. Ildefons Schroots.  From 1971 three Monks from Mt. St. Benedict – Frs. Ildefons Schroots, Hildebrand Greene and Bro. Paschal Jordan – were members of the Liturgical Commission of the Archdiocese of Port-of-Spain.
Through them, and together with Fr. Brendan Ryan, OP and Fr. Cyril Ross, a campaign of liturgical education began.
The Liturgy Bulletin, a monthly periodical aimed at educating clergy, religious and laity, saw the light of day in January 1973; the Liturgical Ordo was prepared and printed at the Abbey; the Seminary and the Abbey were designated authorised places of liturgical experimentation; and, in 1977, in collaboration with the Seminary and the Archdiocesan Pastoral Centre, the Antilles School of Liturgy was born – a summer school of liturgical education and experience, which continues up to the present time (2013). 
7 of July 1982.
Greetings from the Old Mount – Inside!
I was in Holland earlier this year, I met with Fr. Bernard.
His speech has not improved.
The burns he suffered last year he is unable to stand and so is confined to a wheel chair.
He is in a rehabilitation centre where they are giving him therapy to see if they can make him able to walk.
It seems he will be coming back in September to the Mount.
He surely is carrying a heavy cross!
You will remember him specially, I am sure.
When last you visited T´dad, you give me some book-markers with Teen-agers’ 10 Commandments printed on it.
As I have passed that age unfortunately!
I give them away and people have been asking if I had more of them.
On your next visit or in some other way, could you bring some of them if possible?
Thanks a million in advance.
God´s abundant blessing be with you and your Family!
Very best wishes and kindest regards.
Adalbert van Duin
EDITED by LadislaoKertesz, at, if you would like to be in the circular’s mailing list, or know any old boy that you would like to include.
30UN0001EDIMSB, Photo of the Cloister, the old corridor between the old and new.
08KA2029FCU, Fr. Cuthbert at the burial of Fr. Benedict
75GE9442, Glen Evelyn
08MD1971DDV, Maurice de Verteuil

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